
Welcome to the Parins-Fukuchi lab! We are part of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Toronto. Work in the lab involves developing new computational approaches to bear on two driving questions: 1) what evolutionary processes contribute to the emergence of novel phenotypes? and 2) what are our abilities and limitations in reconstructing the population level processes that shaped major episodes of evolutionary innovation and diversification? We apply these methods and questions across a range of study systems in both plants and animals.
GSA and Entomology Meetings
Spoke at two great symposia this month: “Phylogenetic Paleobiology: Exploring Macroevolutionary Trends with Evolutionary Trees” at GSA 2018 in Indianapolis, and “Evolutionary and Phylogenetic Morphology” at Entomology 2018 in Vancouver. Good stuff! GSA slides are here: https://github.com/carolinetomo/GSA2018